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With GGyess you can create content in seconds using Smart Post

Increase the limit of members available in an account.

We know that your goals are big and to reach them you need a team to give you the strength to reach them faster. If you have already reached the member limit of your plan you can buy more members

Create a new role

To create a new role for team members, follow these steps: At the top right, locate your profile picture and your name. Click on either of them. A drop-down list will open with several options, look for the Teams icon

Assign or change the role of a team member

To assign a role to a team member, you must first be able to create specific roles. If you have not done so, read how to Create a custom role. If you already have a role created, follow these simple

Create a new member

To add a member to your workspace or if you want to create a member to add to a work team, follow these steps: On the top right hand side locate your profile picture and your name. Click on either

Meet the Teams module

The American author Hellen Keller said: “Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot” and that’s why we know that even in social media management you need a team that can support you to achieve your goals.