Did You Know?

With GGyess you can create content in seconds using Smart Post

This process is very simple, let’s do it together:

1. In the left side menu, look for the module called: Ads and click

2. Inside this module you will find 4 upper windows, click on the sale called Create
and inside it click on the Campaign tab.

3. A new window with an upper title called Create campaign or select an
existing one will be displayed with the different configurations to create your
campaign, select an existing one or edit an existing one.

4. Since we only want to create an ad, we will go to the option called Select an
existent and choose the campaign in which we want our ad to be and then we
go to the area below called Create ad set or select an existing one.

5. In the area of Create ad set or select an existing one, as well as in the previous
one, we will only choose the ad set where we want our ad to be attached or if
we want we can use the ad set that has by default the campaign we selected
and proceed to click on the Next button until we reach the Create Ad area.

6. In the Create Ad area, we will write the desired information for our ad and
upload the pictures we like. We will also be able to use our previously uploaded
posts to use them with an ad. When we have finished creating our ad, we click
on the Next button.

7. Finally, you will select the trackinkg and the Identity of your ad set and therefore
of your campaign.

8. Click on the Save Campaign button and you are done..

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