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With GGyess you can create content in seconds using Smart Post

This process is very simple, let’s do it together:

1. In the left side menu, look for the module called: Ads and click

2. Inside this module you will find 4 upper windows, click on the sale called Create and inside it click on the Campaign tab.

3. A new window will be displayed with the different configurations to create your campaign, select an existing one or edit an existing one.

4. You must fill in the previous configuration data of your campaign that appears on the screen since we are creating a new campaign (Name for your ad campaign, Campaign’s objective, Campaign’s status, Special ad category, Campaign spending limit).

5. After the previous step, we will continue with the space called Create ad set or select an existent

6. If you want to create a new set of ads, you must not select the option Select an exist, but you must fill in the configuration shown on the screen with the data of the new set of ads. Once you finish filling in the data shown on the screen, click on the button at the bottom right called Next, the data you must fill in if you want to create your ad set are: Name for your ad set , Optimization for ad delivery , Billing event , Placement , Target cost , Daily or lifetime budget , Ad
scheduling , Timezone , Demographics & devices , Interest suggestions to target

7. When you have finished filling out all the data you will reach the area called Create Ad, you can create the ad you want to be part of the set of ads you are creating, and therefore the campaign you selected, you can choose these ads based on post you have already created or you can create them from scratch.

8. When you have finished creating your ad, click on the bottom right button labeled Next.

9. Finally, you will select the trackinkg and the Identity of your ad set and therefore of the campaign you selected.

10. Click on the Save Campaign button and you are done

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