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The American author Hellen Keller said: “Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot” and that’s why we know that even in social media management you need a team that can support you to achieve your goals. And with this in mind we created the Teams module for you! 

The Teams module will be available for you in the Enterprise plan and you will be able to add members to a team or create several teams and divide your members into them, isn’t it great? 

Teams allows you to create your teams, manage them, add roles to your team members, assign tasks, messages, manage authorizations within the team and approvals or rejections of posts.  

Teams will be available to anyone who belongs to a team however the administration and control part will be available only to the administrator(s).

Go ahead and try this amazing module and discover everything you can do with your Enterprise plan, let’s go for it!

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